The Journeys

Luke 2:22-50; Matthew 2:12-23

Christmas is full of journeys short and long. The shepherds traveled a short distance. The Magi traveled days for weeks? Honor the New King of the Jews. There were journeys to Jerusalem, Egypt and Nazareth.  

Journey to Jerusalem and the Temple. Luke 2:22-38; 41-50

First journey: Jerusalem and the Temple. Luke 2:22-38 Simeon was waiting seeing the Messiah. Simeon was reassured. He recognized Jesus because he listened to Holy Spirit. He provided a revelation by declaring “many will raise or fall” at his ministry and Mary’s soul will be pierced. Anna a widow Luke 2:36-38 acknowledged and praised God for sending Messiah. Second visitJesus around age 12. Luke 2:41-50 Passover celebration. Jesus announced. I must be about my father’s work.”

Journey to Egypt Matthew 2:12-18

Divine warning given to the Magi. By-pass Jerusalem and Herod can’t be trusted. Divine Direction to Joesph Leave Bethlehem and go to Egypt. Devilish search: 2:16 Herod outwitted, furious and opted to murder all boys under two years of age to protect his status. Herod’s actions fit his character.  Divine prophecy fulfilled as Jeremiah foretold: “out of Egypt” will come the Messiah. Jeremiah 31:15

Journey to Nazareth Matthew 2:19-23

Glance at the two families: Herod the Great and Joseph’s lineage.  Divided kingdom: Antipaskilled John the Baptist. Luke 9:9-17, Antipas meets Jesus Luke 23:6-12 asked Jesus asks for a miracle. Grandson Herod Agrippa. Great grandson Herod Agrippa II. Joseph’s boy Jesusthe son of God was dedicated to God andcommitted to the will His Heavenly Father.  Great truth: “Like Father Like Son”.

Christmas is not about presents, but presence of God. It’s a family’s obedient to God. Its visitors open to the voice and spirit of God. It’s an opportunity to discover joy, love, peace and develop confidence in God. It’s a reminder of parents’ responsibility to train their children to honor and love God. Christmas is the strength to be life’s many journeys.