Sonset to Sonrise

Luke 24:13-49; I Corinthians 15:5

Today we focus on two disciples walking away from Jerusalem the cross, death and burial of Jesus. Walking toward the setting sun. Two disciples disappointed, will discovery and become devoted empowered disciple.

Disappointed Luke 24:13-24

Conversation of two disciples despairing and disappointment. A seven mile walk to Emmaus. Conversation with a “stranger”. Question of the stranger “What are you talking about?” Disciples’ response: “Where have you been? Stranger: How about filling me in!” Quest for understanding: Jesus a prophet noticed by people and God. Condemned by religious leaders. Crucified on the cross. He dead buried! Conclusion we thought he was our hope to redeem. Controversy: Some woman says his body is gone, but no one has seen Him.

Discovery Luke 24:24-32

Companion alongside offering a deeper perspective. Foolish thinking and fragile faith eclipse faith. The Old Testament Prophets spoke of suffering before glory. Companion identified Himself. Something about the moment they understood who was in their presence. Completely recognized Jesus. They recalled how the stranger’s words “burned” in their heart.

Devotion Luke 24:33-49 

Shared experience of Jesus presence. Return and Run to a gathering of believers validating the resurrection. The Lord has risen!” Jesus appeared to Peter! 1 Corinthians 15:5 Paul confirms the resurrection. Sudden startling appearance!  (read Luke 24:37-43) Scripture affirmed and understood. Luke 24:44-49.  Jesus’ mission was to suffer, die, rise so repentance and forgiveness of sin can be preached. Stay and receive power to tell the story and share the eternal truth.

Jesus can make sense of death. Jesus awaits an invitation to join you. Jesus makes resurrection a reality. Jesus reveals the necessity of the Cross. Jesus stresses the urgency of sharing the truth of God’s love. God gives power to live with and in the stresses of life. Walking away from loss generated by hardships. We approach a sunset of hope. Jesus comes along: A friend, a word, something seen felt or heard. Speaks to the heart. Slowly, quietly, the hope of the resurrection erodes the darkness and the SON shines in our broken heart. What seemed to be a sunset suddenly became a sunrise. Allow Jesus and the Holy Spirit hold you