People need Sanctuary!

Joshua 20:1-6; John 3:15-17; Romans 6:3-8; Hebrews 12:1-3

Sanctuary place of refuge for troubled minds and souls. Sanctuary can be a place, found in a person and in a gathering of God’s people.

People need a place of sanctuary Joshua 20:1-6

Cities of refuge: The first sanctuary cities were places of immunity. These six cities three on each side of the river is a mirror image of God’s redemptive plan for sinners. Capital crime of killing another Genesis 9:6 gives the right for retaliation. Peoples’ capital crime is rejecting God’s love. Court Joshua 20:4-6 Stand at the entrance of the sanctuary and make the case before the city elders. Stay and not be surrendered to the kinsman redeemer.

People need a person to be sanctuary. John 3:16-17; Romans 6:3-10

Conversation: Key thoughts: “God so loved the world” The motivation is God’s deep love. “God sent his one and only Son into the world”. God purposed redeem people. “whoever believes in Him shall not perish” Perish separated from God. “having everlasting life”. “Sent NOT to condemn but to save the world through Him”. Conversion Romans 6:3-10 Baptism followed closely after confession and acceptance of Jesus as Savior. This is personal!

People as sanctuary. Hebrews 12:1-3; 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14

Church: 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14 Thank God for you who are chosen and called. Church mission: Matthew 28:18-20 Commanded by Jesus our Savior. Make disciples.  Go to all nations. Baptize Teach people to obey what Jesus taught. Promise of His presence until things are accomplished! Cloud of witnesses encourages. Remove excuses. Repent of things that hold us back. Run a marathon not a sprint. Remain focused. Remember Jesus paid for salvation!

A truth remains people need sanctuary for their soul! This is a place of sanctuary. There’s a person Jesus providing sanctuary. Right here is a group of people that gives sanctuary! Montgomery Heights remains a place of sanctuary.  Jesus for all eternity will remain a sanctuary for the hurting soul. Montgomery Heights is a place of sanctuary. Our vision will continue to be a people: Loving God—Loving People—-Serving Both. God is choosing and calling everyone here to follow Him.  Accept God’s love and opportunity.Join us attempting to make a difference in people’s lives?