
Luke 21:12; 16-19; Ezekiel 2:8-3:11; Matthew 28:18-21

Jesus’ instructions about the end times takes us to the carefully researched words written by Luke in Chapter 21:12-19 Luke restates things we’ve already covered but adds that the End Times is about opportunities. Opportunity to witness even in the pain of persecution. There is a promise of opportunity empowered by Holy Spirit and s unique perspective on the opportunity.

Pain of Persecution Luke 21:12;16-17

Arrest Christians will be hunted down. Arraigned in the courts of kings/governors. Appear before religious leaders. Synagogues places of worship, teaching of Scripture. Jewish community administration, trials and confinement. Jesus was arrested by folks from the Temple. Attacked by family members, parents, brothers, relatives and friends.

Promise of Opportunity Luke 21:13-15

Opportunity to give a testimony. Opportunity not marred by prepared defensive speeches. Meditate means prepared thoughts expressed in words logically put together. Example Acts 4:1-12 “Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them…. Opportunity to allow Holy Spirit to speak through us appropriate words and applied with heavenly wisdom.

Perspective of opportunity Ezekiel 2:8 -3:1-11

Positive call: Listen and don’t be rebellious. Given What lamentation, mourning and woe bitter things. 2:8-10. Power in the scripture 3:1-3 Take what is written in. Process 3:4-11 These are people just like you! They can understand your words and should listen, but are unwilling hardened and obstinate. Set in their ways! God gives Christians a determined nature! The problem of listening is theirs, but you must tell them!

Jesus gives the great commission to each Christian? Matthew 28:18 -21. Jesus has the authority to say Go, make disciples, baptize, teach, observe everything He has instructed us to do. Our mission is to tell His Story and our story. What people do with our testimony is between the person and God