Little Book Big Message Colossians 2

Christian Living is a Challenge

Colossians 2:8 to 3:11

Life is challenging even for Christians. Our faith in Jesus is not a preventative or prescription that exempts us from the challenging moments of life. Our problems and challenges don’t disappear. Paul addresses the challenges faced by the Christians living in Colosse and equally with Christians living today. Paul gives direction to believers: Watch out for becoming captive. Wake up to the fullness of Jesus and walk or live as a new person in Christ.

Watch out for being captured by false teachers. Colossians 2:8

Watch out for those who teach adding philosophies to belief in Jesus. Watch out for teachers that add human customs to receiving Jesus as Savior. Watch out for teachers who add special revelations and intellectual knowledge which conflict with the Gospel.

Wake up to the reality in Christ dwell the fullness of God. Colossians 2:9-23

In Christ dwells every aspect of God. We are given all God is. In Christ baptism marks our death to our old life as we are raised from the water marks our commitment to God. This is not the result of human effort but our relationship with Jesus. 2:9-13 a. In Christ makes us alive. 2:13 b-15 Jesus forgives our sin. In Christ Christians are free from false humility of rule keeping and bragging about false spiritual accounts.

Walk that is live, like a new person because you are! Colossians 3:1-11

Since Christians are raised with Jesus Christ live like it. It’s not a other-worldliness. Set our mind sour focus on who we are in Christ Jesus moving closer to Him. Strip off our old focus.  Since we are dead our life is hidden with Christ in God. Since we are new there is no division of saints.

Life has many challenges, but becoming a prisoner to false teachers and human claims which rob us of our focus on who we are and are becoming in Christ. Live with the knowledge as a Christian we are “in Christ.” Live as a new person in Christ growing closer daily to God.Sharing Jesus