Little Book Big Message-2

John 1:1-5; 2 Thessalonians 3; Matthew 25:37-40

Little book with a big message of 2 Thessalonians Chapter 3 Witness of the Christian Church. Paul instructs Christians should be requesting prayer, reviewing the harm of being unproductive and receiving peace that only God can give.

Requesting Prayer 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5

Pray for Paul’s and our mission to spread the Lord’s message of love, forgiveness and acceptance. KJV translates message as Word Logos: John links word with Jesus in John 1:1-5 Pray for strength when facing the evil one and wickedness. Pray hearts will focus on God’s love and Christ’s perseverance. Presence of God with believers due to God faithfulness.

Reviewing the harm of being unproductive. 2 Thessalonians 3:1-15

Command: “Keep away” from all who are unproductive. What were they doing? Gk playing a truant. Not living according to the teaching received. Concern verse 3:11 Report believers were idle and unproductive. Idleness led to becoming “busy bodies” getting themselves in other people’s business. Idleness was also a moral failure of the faith. Consider Paul’s example: 3:6-10 Paul was a model following a rule “If a man will no work he shall not eat.” becoming a burden to others. Conduct that was encouraged. 3:14 Do not associate. Do not “mix up” not withdraw all contact, limiting close fellowship so the unproductive in hope they will “settle down” and become productive. 3:12.

Receiving peace only God can provide. 2 Thessalonians 3:16-18

Prayer for God to provide peace. God’s peace to “all of you” even those who have been disobedient. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 Personal Pauldictated his letters but here he wanted to be sure everyone knew these were his words of instruction and encouragement.

Three brief chapters offering encouragement and understanding for living in the light of Jesus return.  Evil is at work, but God is in control and will destroy evil. Chapter three offers’ instructions pray the message of God’s love will spread and we will have courage to be faithful witness. We are instructed to lovingly deal with those who chose to live outside the teaching of faith. A prayer for all to live in the peace God alone can provide. God bless as we follow.