Little Book-Big Message Colossians 1

Encouragement for Christian Living

Colossians 1:1-2:8

Paul writes a letter to a Church he has never visited. He only knows about the church at Colesse by the information of Epaphras a faithful minister of Christ and faithful brother in Christ. The Letter information is not limited to those in the early Christians but to all generations. Paul’s letter begins with encouragement with the acknowledgement of the believer’s faith, announcing Jesus and asking Christians to align our life with God’s calling.

Acknowledgement of believer’s faith and instructions Colossians 1:1-14

Be thankful to God for fellow believers. Be prayerful for individual Christians. Both joys and concerns. Be faithful: It’s not wishful thinking, but firm assurance that God will do all He says. Be loving: agape for all. A love that’s sacrificial. Love that is also indiscriminate. Be aware of the vast nature of the Gospel.

Announcement of Jesus Christ the Son of God. Colossians 1:15-23

Jesus is the image of God: Jesus is the express representation of God.  Jesus is the God-man who reveals all that God is! Jesus was involved in all of creation Jesus is the fullness of all God is with the ability to reconcile all to God. That’s those who accept Jesus as Savior. Jesus died on the cross. Jesus is the totality of God’s power to forgive. Jesus accepted us when we were apart from God. Jesus brings the saved into a relationship with God. Jesus holds us since continue in faith.

Align our personal life with God’s plan and purpose for us. Colossians 2:1-8

Underline God’s purpose to encourage the hearts of believers. Understanding the “mystery”In the pagan world the gods worshiped was always a mystery. Undermined faith is harmful;Stand firm in the richness of God’s revelation.Undeterred live for Jesus under the leadership of Holy Spirit. 1)Receive Jesus as Savior. 2)Rooted sinking deep roots of faith and Christian truth. 3)Remembering to build on the foundation of faith in Jesus.

The pain and hurt of this week cannot deter Christians. Now is a time to be encouraged and instructed to live worthy of the calling of God to salvation. That begins by acknowledging all believer’s faith. Being thankful, prayerful, faithful, loving and completely aware of the power of the Gospel. We must always announce Jesus is the reason for our peace and practice of life. We align our personal life under the direction of God’s word and Holy Spirit.