Little Books Big Messages Joel part 2

What a Day that will Be.

Joel 2:18- 3:21; I Thessalonians 5:16-24; Acts 2:14-22

Joel describes the “Day of the Lord” with some eternal truths about God. First, the Lord always responds to repentance and prayer. Second, the Lord always empowers His people and the Lord always judges because He is righteous.

The Lord always responds to repentance and prayer. Joel 2:18-27

In crisis, the Lord calls out to people “return rent” or tear your heart. “God is gracious and compassionate slow to anger abounding in love and He relents from sending calamity.” Joel 2:13

The Lord replies and reacts with a zealously “with a redness face” spiritual idolatry is sin and taking “pity lasting abiding love for those who return and confess. The Lord’s actions result in rejoicing. The Lord repays with renewal of blessing due to genuine repentance and robust protection. “Surely the Lord has done great things” The Lord renews faith through experience God’s goodness.

The Lord always empowers His people Joel 2:28-3:1; Acts 2:14-22

Pouring out profusely flowing over all people with no regard to a person’s sex, age or status. Promise 2:32 “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” 3:1 “I those days and at that time I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem.

The Lord always judges because is righteous and just. Joel 3:2-21

Gathering of Nations to a place and time of giving an account for their rejection of God. Gathering of Israel God “rouses them out of the paces to which you sold them.” (3:7) Great challenge “You want to fight then prepare and come. 3:9-12 Gravity of the decisions; 3:14 Grand protection: 3:16-18;20-21

Joel a little book with a very big message. Crisis comes and some may be the result of rebellion and sin, but not all crisis comes from sin. Life happens. God’s nature is love and desire to be in relationship with every person. God is also just and can’t overlook sin. Jesus died to pay the debt for sin. Every Nation and every individual is in the “Valley of decision” for the Day of the Lord is near. Prayer: Holy Spirit speak to our spirit and reveal our sin. Allow us to find in Your peace