Jesus says Understand

Matthew 24:15-31; Mark 13:15-36; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-13
We come to a complex and challenging words Jesus spoke concerning
End Times. Mark 13:14 and Matthew 24:15 provides a headline “Let the
reader UNDERSTAND”to perceive with the mind, to think upon and
ponder. Here are three thoughts. Abomination that causes desolation,
After the distress and anticipation of the return of Jesus.

Abomination desolation:

Mark 13:24-25; Matthew 24: 15-25
Past events: 1. 168 BC Syrian Antiochus Epiphanies attempted to
eliminate worship of the Lord and erected a pagan altar of Zeus on the
altar. This triggered the Maccabees revolt. Jewish people understood
this event was connected to Daniel’s prophecy. 2. 70 AD Roman Titus
sieges Jerusalem capturing the city. Jesus spoke to the disciples, giving a
warning. Get out of the city. Promised a worst abomination. Paul in 2
Thessalonians 2:1-9 1. Return of Jesus is a gathering of believers. 2. False
reports that Jesus had returned don’t believe. 3. Rebellion must come. 4.
Man of lawlessness revealed. 4. Lawless one will exalt himself as God and
sets up in the Temple (doesn’t exist now). 5. Holy Spirit is restraining the
lawlessness, but the spirit of lawlessness is at work. 6. Jesus destroys him
and the deceived perish. Refusal of God’s love and accepted His
forgiveness is willful powerful delusion is given sin punishing sinful.

After the distress of 70 AD. Ark 13:24-25; Matthew 24:27-31

Day of the Lord is Jesus’ return not be in secrecy. Jesus’ return events in
the heavens. Jesus’ return creates mourning as he comes in glory and
power. Jesus’ return is a gathering of the elect.

Anticipate Jesus return. Mark 13:28-36; Matthew 24:32-51

Jesus’ return will be obvious as evil grows. Jesus’ return is determined by
Heavenly Father motivated by His grace and desire non should perish.
Jesus’ return should be anticipated by Christians and to constantly in
preparation ready for the return. Christians must be expecting Him.
We are given a holy command by Jesus “You will be my witnesses…! What will
I do better question is What will I do?