The Way and a Riot

Acts 19:23-41; Revelation 9:20-21

Acts 19: 23-41 our focal passage brings us to “The Way and a Riot”. We find a disturbance regarding the Way. Demands of Demetrius. Disciples are seized and an unexpected defense.

Disturbance regarding people of the Way. Acts 19:23

In Ephesus, the followers of Jesus were referred to as the Way. The people of the way were not following a code for living as an obligation. They were men and woman with a complete devotion to Jesus and the Gospel.

Demands of Demetrius a silversmith Acts 19:24-28 

Tradesman who employed craftsmen to make silver shines of goddess Artemis. Troublemaker Calls associates together the theater and lectures them concerning Paul and the people of the Way declaring that they are destroying their business.

Disciples seized Acts 19:29-33

Fiery speech creates a mob mentality against Christians People of the Way. Chanting for 2 hours “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians” Funny reality is that most of the people did not even know why they were there! V33. Focus of Paul was to get to the theater to clarify and challenge Demetrius. Faithful followers of the Way were seized by the crowd.

Defense comes from a unexpected source. Acts 19:34-41

The city administrator declares the divinity of the statues by stating “all the world knows us as guardians of the image. Defends the people of the Way they have not robbed the temple. Determined your riot may however destroy our city.

Society grows more averse to belief in God the more difficult living, not by a creed, but living in life changing relationship with God will be more challenging. God during the final judgement desires people to turn to Him Revelation 9:20 -21 The rest of mankind that were not killed b these plagues still did not repent of the works of their hands, they did not stop worshiping demons and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood that cannot see or hear or walk. Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts