
Luke 21:25-36

Jesus spoke about the end times providing instructions and information to live in a decaying world. 1. Watch out. 2. Guard yourself. 3. Understand lots of bad happens and will continue to happen. 4. Opportunity to share what Jesus means to us. Now Luke 21:25-36 Jesus asks Christians to be engaged. We can be shaken. We must stand up and stay focused.

Shaken means we must be engaged. Luke 21:25-27

Heaven will be shaken and signal something major is coming. Here on earth anguish rises over what’s happening. Human thinking is perplexed and confused. Humanity will expire in terror and apprehension the anxious or fear that something bad will happen.

Stand up: Look up be engaged. Luke 21:28-31

Redemption is happening! Redemption means the ransom has been paid. It’s a recalling of prisoners from a prison. Payment made and accepted. Reasonable expectation when the leaves on the fig tree appears summer is coming. We need to expect Jesus every day. References this generation will not pass: in 40 years the Temple was dismantled. Jerusalem destroyed that generation saw it.

Stay Focused be engaged. Luke 21:34-36

In the light of all that Jesus taught the end times. Don’t get weighted down with confusion from a headache caused by intoxication or anxiety created by life. Day Jesus returns should not catch and trap. Do understand the return is not local worldwide. Do watch every day. Do engage in prayer to find a way.

“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” This is a solemn assurance nothing will stop the fulfillment of everything Jesus said. Jesus words is finality and under the authority of God. Jesus’ return is certain in a time of Heavenly Father’s choosing.If you are saved and if we are living in the challenging days of the end times, then each of us should follow Jesus’ instruction. Watching, guarding, understanding it will get worse, finding opportunities to share Jesus and engaged expecting Jesus any day, any hour, any second. Jesus will return. The ultimate question: ARE YOU READY! ARE YOU EXPECTING JESUS TO RETURN. ARE YOU ENGAGED!