
Matthew 24:36-51; 2 Peter 3:1-10; Matthew 28:16-20

Let’s review Jesus’ instructions about how to live in the End Times: Watch out, guard yourself, understand the desolation caused by evil, opportunities in the End Times to share Jesus, we are to be engaged not only observing events but following Jesus. Now the final instruction found in Matthew 24:36-51 prepare. This passage offers the problem of when, the prospects of Parousia and the need to move forward with preparation of Jesus return.

Problem of when will Jesus return? Matthew 24:36-39a

Scoffers will come: 2 Peter 3:1-10 Attend to the return of Jesus. Those who mock Jesus’ return dismiss the Word of God and idea of the return of Jesus. Serious issue is to deliberately ignore Jesus’ promise to return. Sure, pronouncement in God’s Word. Judgement will come in God’s timing. Justice is a reality. 1.The Lord values every person because God desires no one to perish. 2. The Lord desires everyone to repent accepting God’s gift of forgiveness paid for by Jesus’ death on the cross. 3. The Lord will come at an unexpected moment.

Prospect of Parousia. Matthew 24:39b -44

Parousia is a unusual word used in the Gospels, but a regular word used elsewhere to describe the arrival of a governor or king coming to his people. People must individually make a decision to confess their personal sin and surrender themselves to God. People must be ready for the unexpected return of Jesus or our death call of God.

Preparation is a lifestyle and lifelong activity. Matthew 24:44-51

Faithful follower is charged with the great commission of Jesus. Fault of not taking seriously Jesus’ return will end in personal disaster. Failure to prepare because excuses like it can’t happen. nothing has changed. Faulty thinking abuses our responsibility to follow Jesus to sharing our faith which harms our friends and family. Judgement day will bring separation and sadness.

Don’t be focused on the end time and neglect the date of your death! Not a pleasant thought, but certainly a reality. We must leave our mortal body. We must be prepared for death and Jesus’ return. The bottom line: Trust God, confess sin. Rely and rest in Jesus’s payment for your sin. Listen to Holy Spirit guidance daily. Then you are eternally prepared for death and the end of days.