Conversations: Jesus and the Devil
Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13; Deut. 8:2-4; 6:13,16
Jesus’ conversation with the Devil. Devil’s mission is to shape the kind of redeemer Jesus would be and the message to people. The Devil use deception with Eve. Adam given a choice. Job was accused. Jesus’ mission was to save humanity. What would Jesus do to accomplish the mission. Devil chooses a time of weakness. Devil testing is a limited. Devil’s greatest concern is the treasured resource of the Word of God to push the Devil away in times of testing.
Devil chooses a time of weakness. Matthew 4:1-3a; Luke 4:1-2
Jesus was led by Holy Spirit. Luke says Jesus was filled with the Spirit. It was a purposed conversation as Jesus began His rescue mission to redeem us from sin. Jesus had been fasting for 40 days and was now hungry. The fasting became a opportunity for Satan to undermine Jesus mission.
Devil tests us during the limited opportunities. Mark 1:11-12
Book of Mark summarizes this conversation in two simple verses. Matthew and Luke give richer details. Tempt or test: Greek word translated temptation deeper and boarder meaning to “test” Meaning to entice a person to do wrong seeking to seduce into sin or persuade one to take the wrong way! (Read Deuteronomy 8:2-4) The Devil is not challenging who Jesus is but how he will redeem people. Time alone Jesus focuses on the mission of salvation. The conversation centers on the kind of Savior and methods to be used to save people. 1) Meet a personal need he was hungry. 2) Do something spectacular people will follow: Devil uses scripture Psalm 91:11-12. 3) Simply compromise don’t be so determined to deal with sin. What would that hurt?
Devil’s greatest concern is the treasured resource God’s Word.
Deuteronomy 8:3 _Man does not live by bread alone.” Deuteronomy 6:16 “Do not test the Lord your God. Deuteronomy 6:13 “Fear the Lord you God, serve him only and take your oaths in His name.”
The lesson in this conversation is when we are spiritual strong be aware the Devil can burst our bubble. Second the way we conduct our life is important. God is watching and so is people.Third we have a pool of resources to deal with the devil. God’s Word placed in our heart and mind to defuse the Devil. Praying without stopping to amplify The Word. Presence of Holy Spirit to apply the Word. Personal Questions: Are you under the control of the Devil and his influence? What kind of Christian are you now? Jesus awaits our answers