About Our Mission and Vision Statements

Mission Statement: Montgomery Heights Baptist Church will be a place where we Love God, Love People and Serve Both.

Why does our Church need a mission Statement? Proverbs 29:18 “where there is no vision, the people perish” A focused mission communicated clearly by church leadership to the church membership keeps our church from drifting away from the main mission which is to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus outlined in Acts 1:8 “you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” The church is more than a social gathering, we are God’s people with a clear purpose.

Our mission statement answers some questions! What problem does our church seek to address? Who do we serve and how do we serve? What value does our church give to our community and what honorable characteristics define our church? Answer: People are lost in sin and rebellion toward God. Church is commissioned to love and encourage people to respond to God’s gift of grace and love. Church offers a place of acceptance where both God and people are served by word and acts of kindness.

Vision Statement: Montgomery Heights Baptist will be a place of love and acceptance in Jesus’ name.

Vision statement is our unique goal. The aim is to strengthen our devotion to fulfill Jesus’ commission of sharing God’s love in our community. Our service to God is sharing the Good News with those in our community and beyond. Our service to people is accepting them as people whom God loves and demonstrating God’s love by word and deeds of compassion.

Montgomery Heights is planted here to serve God and people.