Watch Out!
Mark 13:1-13

Four End Times theological views: 1 Historical Premillennialism 2 Dispensational
Premillennialism. 3. Amillennialism: 4 Post Millennialism One other view I want
to share Panmillennialism I do not know of any theologian who hold this view.
Today we devote our study to Mark. Jesus says about the End Time is WATCH
OUT! A Casual conversation, creates curious questions and calm instructions.

Casual Conversation: Mark 13:1-2
Massive beautiful buildings: Temple built by Herod the Great 20 BC to 70 AD.
Massive stones: stacked one on another each stone was white, 37 feet long, 12
feet high, and 18 feet wide.
Curiosity brings deeper questions. Mark 13:3-4
When will this happen? What will be the sign should we look for to know it
about to be fulfilled?
Calm instructions: Watch Out! Mark 13:7-8
WATCH OUT! Discern, perceive, discover, don’t be allowed to stray or be lead
away from the truth. False claims of messiahs in recent years. Flaming wars:
Response to these events: “do not alarmed” means cry out, be frightened. It’s
the end result of sin, hatred, envy by the direct conduct of individuals. Faltering
Nature: earthquakes Iceland, near Hartwell Geogia, one east of Macon, Iran.
Famines: small harvest, hunger, destitution. Stormy following storms, Reality: It
not the final lap just the birth pains. Jewish Rabbis spoke of suffering related to
child birth. It’s a laboring process. Evil will give birth to greater suffering.
Jesus’ response to question was profound! Watch Out! Christians do not
worry or become obsessed setting dates or sign seeking. We are
instructed to Watch out for false messiah who deceive to lead astray.
Watch out do not be frightened about conflicts because they are the
results of sin. Nature reminds us we control little if anything and our
dependence of forces outside of our self. Our future is in Christ alone. Are
you, focused on signs or simply having faith in the truthfulness of God.