Don’t Overlook the Family of Christmas

Matthew 1:1-25

Place Jesus in the very center of Christmas. While many equate Christmas with gifts, parties and celebrations. Advent is God entering a human body. John 3:16-17“For God so loved the world He sent his one and only son into the world that whoever believers in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” Don’t overlook the family. The list provides proof of God’s intent to save all who will respond. Advent is about a woman, a man and a name.

The Woman Mary: Matthew 1:18; Luke 1:26-38 Four women are mentioned in Jesus’ ancestry. Tamar a widow of Judah’s son Er. Rabab was a prostitute in Jericho. Ruth was a Moabitess. Bathsheba was the wife of Uriah. Faithful Mary was betrothed to Joseph. Virgin pledged to a man but never intimate. Visited by an angel God’s messenger. Very trouble about the message and visit. Validated don’t fearful. You are chosen by God. Son will be named Jesus, the Son of the Highest. Descendant of David. Volunteered and offered herself to God.

The Man: Joseph Matthew 1:18-20; 24 Shocked by a discovery. Servant of God (righteous) a student of the Torah. Select his options. Serious consideration. The Prophet Micah 6:8 . do justice….love kindness ….walk humbly. Slept on his decision-making process. Spirit of God supplied the context in a dream. Son born is a part of God’s plan to redeem mankind.

The Name: Jesus Matthew 1:21-25 Jesus, transliteration of Joshua meaning Jehovah is salvation. Jesus saves means to heal, to make whole. Spiritual connection with our creator can be restored. Old Testament prophecy is fulfilled. Isaiah 7:14 a virgin will have a child. Spiritual hope, peace Isaiah 9:6, 11:1-9, 42:1-3; 49:6; 50:1; 53:3-5 “wounded for our transgressions.”

Advent is about a family tree built by God to deliver us from sin. Advent is about a woman who volunteered to follow God. Advent is about a man willing to trust God. Advent is about a name: A name above all others. Advent is about Jesus sent on a mission of redemption for you and me if we were the only people on earth! Christmas is wrapped up is strips of cloth a baby in feed trough surrounded by folks who was open to the revelation of God’s love. Christmas is about God’s love, mercy and peace