Who is in CHARGE here!?
Psalm 2
Sometimes I feel that no one is in charge when I listen to the news reports, as a follower of Jesus I know this: this is my temporary place, but my citizenship is secured by my faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior. The passport stamp is applied and I am ready to enter the Kingdom. While in this temporary place Psalm 2 tells us we have someone who is “in charge”! Jesus. There’re rebellious folks seeking to replacing the Lord, but God remains unchanged and there’s a reminder to us.

Rebellious Nations and Leaders Psalm 2:1-3
Plot against God and His Ways. They take a stand in opposition to the reality of God and His instructions. Posed question: Why does people make plots against God? Plan is to break the restraints free ourselves of God’s instructions!
Replacing the Lord Psalm 2:4-6
God finds man’s efforts humorous: He laughs! God sits in heaven on the throne of creation. God scoffs meaning mocks such efforts. God doesn’t calculate if He can defeat such a challenge. God simply installs His King!

Remain unchanged Psalm 2:7-9
Proclamation the Lord’s anointed as His Son! Hebrews 1:5-13. Details Jesus. Colossians 1:15-18 Defines Jesus inheritance and authority John 5:22 “Moreover the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgement to the Son that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father.” Kingdom belongs to Jesus. Revelation 11:15 Possession of the Kingdom is by faith in God through Jesus as Savior and Lord. Power to demolish the earthly plots, plans and promotions of earthly leaders lies in Jesus as he rules.

Reminder to all we must remain loyal to our King! Psalm 2:10-12
Be Wise submitting to God’s call to salvation and service. Be instructed allow yourself to be teachable and open to God’s Word. Be a servant. Servant means get involved. Be a person who rejoices possibilities and opportunities not problem and obstacles. Be loyal: trusting Christ completely.
Society opposes God, but God is never in danger of overthrow. He is amused by man’s feeble attempt to remove Him for the throne. God has appointed Jesus His Son as King over all of creation. What remains for us to do is be loyal to our King. We are instructed to “remain here engaged until God decides to take us into His eternal presence. PRAYER May our loyalty and commitment to Jesus will be a witness to everyone we encounter. Let’s wear our faith with pride