Hide and Seek

Genesis 3:6-12; Proverbs 28:13; Ezekiel 8:12; Isaiah 56:6; Matthew 6:33; Luke


Last two weeks we’ve examined two questions. First, can the spiritual dead live?
Ezekiel was given the responsibility to speak, preach talk to a valley of parched
bones and to pray over them but only God could bring life. Second question was:
How will people know we are a disciple of Jesus? Jesus answered that question
simply and completely. “Love God and Love your neighbor.” Today we examine
a third question: Can people hide from God? Hiding origin and some reasons for
hiding. Hiding consequences and “It” is the seeking Lord God Almighty!”

Hiding from God origin and some reasons. Genesis 3:6-8
People fail to repent of sin so they hide from God. Mark 1:15 Jesus said, “The
kingdom has come, the kingdom is near.” Repent and believe the Good News.”
People hide from God because they don’t understand what or why. Jesus asks
people to repent of sin, unbelief and trust Him! Job said, “Though He slay me, yet
I will trust Him.” People hide in the church and outside the church because of
church activities! Some people engage in the Church activities to earn God’
attention and love. Acts 9 begins with a devote Rabbi named Saul of Tarsus given
authority to go to Damascus and arrest Jesus followers. People hide because they
fail to grasp the reality of life as a Jesus follower. The Christian life is not easy.
People hide from God because of refusal to get right with people. 1 John 2:9
“Anyone who claims to be in the light, but hates his brother is still in darkness.”

Hiding from God has consequences.
Failure to prosper as in God’s plan for life. Proverbs 28:13 Failure to live out the
words professed. Isaiah 29:13. Failure of leader’s actions and misrepresenting
God. Ezekiel 8:12-13. Failure to repent means Judgement 2 Peter 2.
Seeking God Genesis 2:9-12
Seeking God calls to us. v9. Seeking God challenges individuals to come out of
their hiding place and to understand why they are hiding in the first place. V11.
Seeking God has a deep concern for every individual by giving us instructions. 1.
Jesus said, Seek first the kingdom. Matthew 6:33. Jesus said of Himself he came
seek and save that which is lost. Luke 19:13.

Many are hiding from God for various reasons and give excuses which are
inadequate. Wonderful truth God is seeking them and using Christians to love
God, love people and serve as witnesses who talk, preach, and pray for each
person we encounter. We call them out of hiding because God is both loving and
full of grace and mercy for each of us.