Can the Spiritual Dead be Revived?
Ezekiel 37:1-14

Individual Christians have been called by God to preach and pray over the dead
reminding them they can live! Impossible task, but if we obey God’s command to
preach and pray God will bless. Consider these truths:

He Saw Death: The bones speak of death. Since so many bones were in one
place, it may be that Ezekiel saw the aftermath of a great battle. If that is the case,
it must have broken his heart. He Saw Devastation – The bones Ezekiel saw
were “very dry.” They were fit for nothing but to be gathered and buried useless.
He Saw Defeat: “…behold, they say, Our bones are dried, and our hope is
lost…” The nation of Israel was defeated and had reached a place where they saw
no way out of their captivity and no hope for their future.

He Was Commanded to Preach – “Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto
them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.” He Was Commanded to
Pray: “…breathe upon these slain, that they may live.” but the Word says
“…there was no breath in them,” v. 8. Ezekiel had preached the Word of God to
the bones. They had the appearance of life, but they were still dead.

They Were Activated -“they lived.” They Were Animated – They “…stood up
upon their feet…” God brought them to life. They Were Associated –
Transformed into “…an exceedingly great army.” They Were Assured – “And
shall put my spirit in you, and ye shall live, and I shall place you in your own
land.” A promise to Israel that they will be restored, and they will receive His
blessings again. Then He says, “…then shall ye know that I the Lord have
spoken it, and performed it…” It was the sovereign work of the Lord.

Christians must come to the conclusion that our community is in a desperate
place! Christians must understand only God can bring spiritual life. The mission
of the church appears impossible. This commission can be done with the Lord’s
help. Can the spiritual dead live? Yes, they can! They only need a witness to tell
them, a warrior to pray for them and a wonderful God to draw them to Jesus.
They can live, and God can use each of us to reach them for Jesus.