Little Book Big Message Colossians 3

Seize the Opportunity

Colossians 3:12-4:6 

Paul then gives practical call to seize the opportunity God has provided believers. Christians should live as God’s chosen people! Live in peace that only God can provide. Live constructive lives and live devoted to prayer.

Live as God’s chosen people! Colossians 3:12-14

We are instructed to “dress up” to face that responsibility. Underlying our uniform is COMPASSION. Jesus brings mercy into our lives to be shared with those in darkness. Then slip on KINDNESS. Add HUMILITY. God values each of us in the same way no exception! GENTLENESS, self-control It’s a coat of PATIENCE. Patience that is a reflection of God’s patience with us.

Live in the Peace Jesus provides. Colossians 3: 15-17

Christians are encouraged to live in peace. Christians live in thanksgiving. Christians allow the Word of God influence our actions and attitudes. Christians are to teach and help each other using wisdom. Christians express with gratitude to God from our heart. Christians do everything as if Jesus’ name.

Live constructively. Colossians 3:18-4:1

Our relationship with God impacts all relationships. Wives submit meaning “yield own rights”. Husbands Love your wives: Used of God’s love toward mankind, doing what is good for the one loved. Children: Obey is a much stronger command than submit. Fathers (parents) don’t embitter your children.  Slaves/masters: Christian principles are to be employed

Live devoted lives Colossians 4:2-18

Devoted to prayer with an awareness of the needs of others. Devoted to wisdom good management of relationships. Devoted to grace kind approach flavored with salt. Devoted to our brothers and sisters. GRACE TO ALL!

The Message a modern paraphrase of Scripture Colossians 3:1 boldly reads, “So if you’re serious about living this resurrection life with Christ, act like it.”  We are called and chosen by God to be salt and light in our communities. We are given the resource of Jesus peace. God makes the call of events that enter our lives. We may not like the call yet we can find in Jesus’ peace in the storms. We live constructive and devoted lives through Jesus! Grace to all!