Individual Responsibility in a Collective Society

Ezekiel 18; Exodus 20:5-6;

Ezekiel 18 “The Word of the Lord came to me” meaning God’s happened to me!  The message was going to challenge the thinking and theology of the exiles. The theme is Responsibility. Responsibility is misunderstood and manipulated. We praise it, love it, hate it, ignore it, evade it or pretend responsibility does not exist. Ezekiel 18 confronts the exiles to come to grips with responsibility! God speaks of the past, progress of life and principle of individual responsibility.

Past: Ezekiel 18:1-3

Baffling concept: God lives in eternal present. John 8:58 “Before Abraham was born, I am.” He did not say I was, but simple I am. Sins of ancestors brought them harm. Proverb covering their guilty. Blaming the past makes God weary!  Self-pity, fatalism and despair mocks the justice of God and makes God weary.

Progress of life: Ezekiel 18:4-20

Ezekiel 18:4-9 Belonging to God is every soul until they sin! God is removing the idea of inherited guilt replacing it with individual responsibility. First generation righteous father.15 The righteous will live! Second generation produces a violent son’s actions leading to death! Choices make a difference. Third generation grandson. Ezekiel 18:14-20 Grandson avoids sin. He finds life.

Principle of individual responsibility Ezekiel 18:21-32

Choices have consequences. Wicked man turns from sins. God’s grace forgets sin. The power of guilt accumulated can be overcome. Righteous man turns to wickedness. Ezekiel 18:23-24 The guilt of rebellion will not be overcome. God has no pleasure in the death of wicked. Is God unjust or just? The righteous repents God gives life. The righteous turns to sin producing death. Choice for life is repentance. Choose to abandon the rebellious attitude. Clean your heart a new heart to listen and hear God.

Two kingdoms in conflict. Christians holding citizenship in both kingdoms. God using government to hold back evil. God calling Christians to share God’s love, mercy, grace and forgiveness. God instructs make disciples who will impact culture. God is sovereign meaning He can do whatever He desires wishes none perish, but all to come to life. What was dimly seen in the Old Testament is clearing known in Jesus. Sin is defeated by repentance. Life is found in a relationship with God through Jesus God’s Son. Repent and live.