Little Books – Big Messages-2

Great Grace = Good Deeds Titus 2:11-3:16

Little Books in Scripture provides big messages for Christians. We sometimes zip through the small prophecies and personal letters and miss important messages. Titus was a valued co-laborer with Paul and given a great challenge. Folks living on Crete have been described asliars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons.” Titus must teach and model Christian living for these new believers! God’s Great Grace equals doing good. Let’s recall the great grace of God toward us. Great changes in attitudes and action. Grace produces great assignment and instruction.

Great Grace Titus 2:11-15

Brings salvation: Jesus came to save us from our sin by the design of our Heavenly Father. Holy Spirit convicts, confirms God’s love and convinces us to repent. Jesus died to pay the cost of our sin. Brings new passions: Two distant purposes first resist temptations and second look for “the blessed hope.” Brings redemption from wickedness the pain of guilt and judgement. Jesus paid for our sin. Brings purity doing good and being helpful in service. Brings teaching and encouragement for Christians to do good and correct those who don’t.

Great changes Titus 3:1-7

Remind us to be good citizens. Being good citizens is a positive reflection of our Christian faith. Jesus instructed us to give to each their due. Ready to avoid injustice humble and gentle with our life under control. Remember who we were. Foolish lacking intelligence and demonstrating moral flaws. Disobedient, unbelieving not willing to be persuaded. Enslaved with no freedom. Remember God alone saved and frees us. God didn’t banish, degrade, or desert humanity. Great washing of rebirth. Surrounding our will to God’s. Gift of eternal life.

Great Assignment and instructions. Titus 3:8-16

Stress the importance of your relationship with God devoted to doing good. Stay away from foolish worthless unproductive discussions. Endless discussions potentially divide believers. Stand consistently firm. Fellowship with other believers. Do all you can to help.” Constantly, tell believers be devoted to doing good. Don’t be unproductive. Greet each other with love and offer grace to all

We are saved because God extended mercy instead of judging, grace instead of justice and gives new life purposed to bring glory to God. God’s love extends grace, mercy and forgiveness. Great grace leads to acting with compassion not legalism with saint and sinner.This great assignment is ours and blessesothers.